7 Days To A Better Cooperative Consultant

He is happiest with family and friends, playing games, eating too much food, dancing, and telling stories. She currently resides in Philadelphia, where she has taken root with her little family of radicants. McKenzie is a member owner of CoLab Cooperative and runs The Worker Place, a nonprofit incubating worker-owned cooperatives. Prior to CDI, he co-founded Local Sprouts Cooperative, a worker-owned cafe, and catering business, trainer koperasi and was a worker-owner for 7 years. As a worker-owner of Home Green Home SF, a worker cooperative of Latina women who have provided ecological cleaning services in San Francisco since 2009, she truly understands the cooperative experience. Andrew Stachiw, is a co-founder and worker-owner of Toolbox for Education and Social Action (TESA) where he is the Director of Curriculum Development and Cooperative Education. Andrew is passionate about cooperative systems that fight for social justice and much of his co-op work has focused on the food system, land access, and the formerly incarcerated. She has served as treasurer on boards, developed and financed worker cooperatives, and earned a Masters in Social Economics and Cooperative Business Management from Mondragon University. While there, brandon served on the executive committee and was a farm anchor of Freedom Farms Cooperative.

There, the computer tournament was couched in a substantive interpretive effort. We also got the chance to visit with Ted Kaehler, a software engineer with Apple Computer Corporation and an expert on the field of Artificial Intelligence known as "machine learning," especially the approach called "neural networks." Ted is very interested in using market principles in the development of AI systems. For Startup webinar recordings, mini guides and more information, visit our Startup Resources Page. We might find certain computational resources in extremely high demand, or in volatile markets, changing their prices several times a day--or several times a second. USFWC staff and Peer Advisors have a high level of cultural competency and experience in anti-oppression work. Economists have much to gain from the successes and failures of artificial intelligence. This type of research involves using economic principles to advance artificial intelligence research, but our interest in it is not primarily altruistic; the point is not so much to help Al achieve its aspirations, but to see what it can teach us economists about the nature of human intelligence. Malone, Thomas W. 1988. "Modelling Coordination in Organizations and Markets" in A. Bond and L. Glassner, eds., Readings in Distributed Artificial Intelligence (San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann).

Hardy, Norman. 1988. "Key KOS Architecture," manuscript, Santa Clara, CA: Key Logic. Sarah and I have been very involved in the Santa Clarita Valley YMCA Indian Princesses and Trailblazer programs. We have to be intentional so as not to perpetuate this segregation into a cooperative. He previously was at the Cooperative Development Institute (CDI), Jonah worked with farmers, fishers, cooks, and food producers to form cooperatives, particularly New American farmers in Lewiston-Auburn, Maine, and the Northeast and supported the development of urban housing cooperatives. He was a 2018 BALLE Local Economy Fellow, 2017 Democracy at Work Institute Cooperative Network Fellow, 2016 Democracy at Work Institute Worker Cooperative Developer Fellow, Food Solutions New England Network Leadership Institute graduate, and Sustainable Food System Leadership Institute graduate. They’ve also served on the board of their local food coop. She has served on the USFWC Board, international committee and Movimiento de Inmigrantes en Cooperativas. Community Engagement Coordinator for Resonate Co-op, an international music streaming platform cooperative that’s co-owned and democratically managed by the artists, developers and listeners who use the platform. She is very involved in building networks among international worker cooperative movements through her role on the board of CICOPA Americas, the international body representing worker cooperatives worldwide.

James’s worker cooperative experience includes interning for the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives as well as working for Equal Exchange, one of the largest worker-coop businesses in the United States. If you’re a USFWC Developer Member or Federation Partner, we’re already looking out for clients to refer your way. Supported Source Ports : ZDoom -- the ideal way to play. Workers can also be responsible for losses in a way you don’t see in a typical business. He supported the development of New Roots Cooperative Farm, Maine Farm and Sea Cooperative, Cooperative Maine Business Alliance, Isuken Co-op, and others. McKenzie is a founding member of the Aurora Pocket Neighborhood Cooperative, a co-owned, urban, intentional community that she still calls home. For 2 years he also worked with the Arizmendi Association’s Development and Support Cooperative, the entity that provides development support and technical assistance to associated Arizmendi bakeries, where he developed procedures, systems of accountability, as well as coordination and facilitation support. Jackson Mississippi in 2014, to actualize the Jackson-Kush Plan, aimed at struggling for Black self-determination and economic democracy where he worked for six years as a cultural organizer, cooperative developer, and program coordinator for Cooperation Jackson, of which he is also a founding member.

Encanadores: Profissionais Essenciais para Sistemas Hidráulicos

 O que faz um encanador ?

O encanador é o profissional responsável por instalar, manter e consertar sistemas de água, esgoto e gás. Eles atuam em diversas áreas, desde residências até indústrias, garantindo o funcionamento adequado dos sistemas hidráulicos1.

Serviços oferecidos pelos encanadores:

  1. Encanamento de banheiro: Instalação e reparo de tubulações, torneiras, chuveiros e vasos sanitários.
  2. Encanamento de pia de cozinha: Conexões de água e esgoto para pias e lavatórios.
  3. Vazamento de água: Identificação e correção de vazamentos.
  4. Encanamento de piscina: Manutenção e reparo das tubulações de piscinas.

Principais profissionais de encanamento:

  • Pablo: Profissional Triider desde 2018, com ótimas avaliações.
  • Richard Lacerda: Eficiente na resolução de problemas de descarga.
  • Sidney Fortunato da Silva: Atendimento rápido e objetivo.
  • Anderson Luis Cruz: Especialista em identificar vazamentos.
  • Ronaldo Rodrigues da Silva: Pontual, honesto e cuidadoso.
  • Paulo Antônio Coppini: Cuidadoso e pontual.
  • Marco Santos: Deixa tudo limpo e organizado.
  • Carlos Eduardo Sampaio de Souza: Exato no orçamento.
  • Rafael - Qualified Hydraulic Rs: Resolutivo e atencioso.

Importância dos encanadores

Os encanadores desempenham um papel crucial na manutenção e funcionamento adequado dos sistemas hidráulicos em nossas casas e empresas. Sem eles, enfrentaríamos problemas com vazamentos, entupimentos e falta de água. Portanto, ao precisar de serviços hidráulicos, conte com um encanador qualificado para garantir a segurança e eficiência do seu sistema.







Ways To Get Through To Your Best Dad Jokes

What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K? He passed away a few weeks later and that was one of the last times we saw him. The one filled with “pun”ctuation marks! “That’s one too many! One dad told his son, “I put you in a tire and rolled you down a hill. But when these jokes fail to make family members laugh, some of them start to "engineer" DNAs-take American dad Stan Smith as an example. But, seeing as you just googled "best dad jokes", we both know you secretly think these zingers are so bad they're completely brilliant. 92. “I asked my dad for his best dad joke. What kind of dogs do miners like best? 92. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? So, when hearing the Mexican dad telling him that the bus was going a Tacuba (a Mexico City neighborhood), he took it as if a Cuban person had told him, “Hasta Cuba.” But because Cubans don’t pronounce the “s,” it sounds like Ha’ta Cuba. I wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant, but then I changed my mind. Every morning I announce to my family that I’m going jogging but then I don’t go…

32. I was going to tell a time-traveling joke, CoreniaBug Dad Jokes but you didn’t like it. I knew you were going to crack eventually! It shows that dad jokes can be funny about anything, making them a favorite for families everywhere. They are usually set up in a question-and-answer format, making it easy for kids to remember and recreate them. Why are meteors so clean? Standing in a park, I was wondering why a Frisbee gets larger the closer it gets. Why is the ocean so salty? Why don't crabs donate to charity? 53.) Why couldn’t the bike stand up by itself? This makes the joke’s silliness stand out. What’s a dad joke’s favorite game show? However, statistics show that 73% of Latino fathers in America live at home with all their children, and 85% have children with only one partner. Everybody loves Friends and all the sarcastic jokes that Chandler Bing said in the show. If you were asked by a family member, you may say dad jokes are inherently terrible and not worth the breath they’re uttered out on. The iconic four-fingered, doughnut loving, yellow dad Homer Simpsons has shared so many funny jokes in The Simpsons, America's longest-running animated series.

If you have any more spring-themed jokes or funny anecdotes to share, feel free to join the conversation and spread the laughter. What do you call a funny mountain? What do you call the goldfish that came third? The 5:15 came rushing by, toot toot! My dad won the challenge after all. While dad jokes have a broad appeal, humor is subjective. I used to be able to play piano by ear, but now I have to use my hands. Why do astronauts use Linux? 1. Do you know why I get heartburn when I eat birthday cake? How did the pig get to the hogspital? So get ready to giggle and groan as we share some of the funniest dad jokes that will have your little ones rolling on the floor with laughter. Why did the dad car apply for a job as a detective? Why did the chemistry teacher go to the beach? 1. A teacher was giving a lesson on the Old Testament and asked one of her students, “Tommy, who knocked down the walls of Jericho?

Phil Dunphy is set to get a vasectomy in one episode of Modern Family. Although Latino fathers face plenty of challenges, it’s also true that the bond between a Hispanic father and their kids is one of the strongest out there. This is the perfect joke to say on the next Father’s Day, as it involves a Latino father, a Latino son, and even a Latino grandfather. You know what’s not a joke? I know this is a Latino dad joke because my father, a typical Mexican dad, always said it. These dad jokes not enough for you? History is personal: our family, memories, shared experiences, and inside jokes. History isn’t only boring museums, statues, and lengthy esoteric plaques. Because he wanted to “shell”-ter himself from boring conversations! What did the baby dad say when the baby learned to crawl? What did the grape say when it got crushed? But when I got home, all the signs were there.

Fear? Not If You Use Home Security Tips The Right Way!

Which is good added security for your household and provide valuable safety features, but they will not make a home more burglar-proof. They will provide a bed, a bathroom and a simple breakfast. That will prevent theft by people with easy access to your computer. For instance, e-learning allows you to learn anywhere and usually at any time, as long as you have a properly configured computer. E-learning falls into four categories, from the very basic to the very advanced. Knowledge databases -- While not necessarily seen as actual training, these databases are the most basic form of e-learning. We'll also take a look at the reality of e-learning by examining the technology from a company called OutStart. Well before you're under pressure to figure out which are which, take time to label circuits with small, colored dot stickers, using green for nonessential and red for essential. You'll want to take several factors into consideration including your budget, what you'll be using the computer for (is it for gaming, for family use, for school etc.), whether you have a preference for a Mac or a PC, how long its battery lasts, what your preferred setup is and how big you want your laptop, especially your display, to be.

The buoyancy and air supply equipment have been checked. As you descend, you remember to exhale some air into your mask to prevent a mask squeeze. One hand holds your mask while the other holds your regulator. Training that is patterned to move from one set to another provides the most effective learning model. This type of training usually takes place via Internet Web sites, audio- or video-conferencing, Internet telephony, or even two-way live broadcasts to students in a classroom. E-learning can suffer from many of the same pitfalls as classroom training, such as boring slides, monotonous speech, and little opportunity for interaction. Online support -- Online support is also a form of e-learning and functions in a similar manner to knowledge databases. You've probably seen knowledge databases on software sites offering indexed explanations and guidance for software questions, along with step-by-step instructions for performing specific tasks. We'll use software from Trainersoft as an example to show you how the process works. Send sensitive information and personal checks through the post office rather than your mailbox, and use a locked mailbox if possible.

Wifi networks must always be password protected to prevent outsiders from accessing private information and connected home security devices. You can't even arm your home security system because your realtor might not be able to turn it off if he or she shows your house when you're not home. When it comes to home security systems, there are a few fundamental concepts that you need to understand. Whether you need a complete wireless home security system with 24 hour monitoring, a fire alarm, or a home security camera, we offer the solutions you need, and the service you expect. While thinking about what you need to do next, you forget to move out of the way for your buddy to enter the water, and you get a warning from the divemaster. The divemaster is directing you to the dive platform. A glance at your dive calculator shows you that you've passed the 15-foot mark.

Asynchronous training electric fence malaysia This is e-learning in the more traditional sense of the word. This passage is an example of e-learning in a simulated electronic environment. Immersing yourself in a 3-D environment or simply interacting with characters or objects on the screen can be a very good way to learn a new skill. The BP oil spill is a stark reminder that some of the world's most profitable companies are engaged in work that is risky by nature and potentially dangerous to workers, the public and the environment. They recover pretty quickly, but training has to work with this quick fatigue/boredom pattern for the person to learn efficiently. E-learning, Computer-Based Training (CBT), Internet-Based Training (IBT), Web-Based Training (WBT) and a host of other names picked up along the way may be the wave of the learning future for people of all ages. You'll recognize domain names as having strings of characters separated by dots (periods). Having helped many domestic and commercial clients over the years gain access back to their properties and vehicles, emergencies rarely happen at "convenient times", so M.T.

Definitions Of Busbar Machine

Siemens has extended its Sinema Remote Connect software for the efficient maintenance of distributed plants and machines to include a number of new security and virtualization functions. Siemens also offers a complete solution for virtualization (Simatic Virtualization as a Service): The solution encompasses set-up of the Sinema Remote Connect Server, the configuration of virtual machines and their network structure, the installation and configuration of the operating system and ready-to-use installation of the Simatic software. The robust LA-25-A LVDT linear sensor has a sturdy one-inch (25.4 mm) diameter heavy wall housing of aluminum or stainless steel, two double-contact shaft seals that keep fluids and solid contaminants out of its bore, and offers a choice of axial connectors or a cable in a metal cord grip. WAGO offers a wide variety of shielding products to assist in eliminating unwanted electrical noise. The UG knock-out sleeve is designed to fit Roxtec UG seals and frames, and is available in three different standard industry sizes to provide customized protection for a variety of underground applications. In addition to standard modules, customized laser modules can be developed and produced at attractive prices. Due to the narrow-banded emission of 488 nm ±2 nm, these laser modules are optimally suited for fluorescence applications, spectroscopic applications, and particle measurements.

Our machine’s adaptability makes it a crucial tool in these varied applications, underscoring its indispensability in modern industry. Designed to be compliant with nuclear energy industry standards and ensure busbar machine that backup diesel gensets continue to operate at optimum performance, the units provide advance warning of potential problems and serious damage, improving the scheduling of maintenance programs. We pride ourselves on offering excellent quality, stable performance, and a diverse range of products. The WNM provides a low-cost wireless communications link between field sites that are in rugged or impassable terrain, with a single unit transmitting for up to 30 miles and the ability to act as a repeater for a virtually unlimited transmission range. With flexible production resources and global R&D teams in America, Europe, and Asia, BizLink always provides reliable interconnect solutions in close proximity to markets. The Copper Busbar Punching Machine, flexible by nature can perform all the inherent punching operations required by production units.

According to the functions or purposes of Busbar Machine, Busbar Machine can be classified into many types. The Em2 Server is a software solution provided as a Virtual Machine software appliance to be hosted either in a customer’s facility or remote server. VMU-C EM is a data logger system for small to medium projects, VMUC-Y EM is a hardware data aggregator for medium to larger projects and Em2 Server is a software solution for large projects. These reports can show who has used the program, what system they accessed it from, its geographical location, the software version and the specific work that was done. Siemens is launching Version 9 of Simit, marking a new generation of its acclaimed virtual commissioning and plant operator training simulation software. Can connect with CNC busbar punching cutting machine by CNC programming software, machine and software not influence each other, easy to maintain. BM Machinery Equipment Company is a joint-stock enterprise specializing in the development, production, and sale of a series of busbar machine equipment. H. G. Schaevitz LLC, Alliance Sensors Group is proud to release its LA-25-A series LVDT linear position sensors, designed to handle extreme industrial environments.

CMR Group has launched a new series of electronic monitoring units for the nuclear power industry. These include its use as a hybrid system with energy storage in photovoltaic and wind power plants, or for covering peak loads in press applications. Emerson released the Rosemount CT5100 continuous gas analyzer, a hybrid analyzer that combines Tunable Diode Laser (TDL) and Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) measurement technologies for process gas analysis and emissions monitoring. The punching process optimizes material and is known for speed, versatility, and accuracy. 2.The use of busbar machines in the electrical industry helps to increase productivity and efficiency by streamlining the production process of busbars. By automating as many as seven manual steps in traditional testing workflows, companies can greatly reduce the risk of human error and expedite the data collection process. If you fail to restore the arrangement so that all cables, plugs and hard disks are as they were originally, you risk losing all the data on your hard disks. One of the ways Doble’s Field Force Automation program helps companies meet the new NERC CIP Version 6 standards is through its rugged controllers which are configured as “locked-down” devices to ensure they are only able to execute necessary, work-related tasks and to limit its communication capabilities for security purposes.

How to Download Zoom on Laptop

Else, you can click on the Sign-up option at the bottom right of the screen to create an account. Alternatively, you can also use your Google or Facebook credentials to sign in. 8. Upon signing in, you can join an existing meeting, schedule a new meeting, and view your upcoming meetings. 9. To join a scheduled meeting, click Join and enter the meeting ID or the meeting link. 10. Connecting on mute and turning off your video is optional, as you can make these choices after joining the meeting. You can now explore all the app features; now that you know how to download and set it up. You can use zoom for online meetings, chat with other contacts, create specific channels, and sync other apps from the App Marketplace. The app has various security features which allow you to restrict attendees and keep the conversations confidential. You can raise your hand to ask questions, add a fun background, and even throw a party. Using these methods, you can recreate the experience of real-time meetings and interactions.

In the time of quarantine, “let's do Zoom meeting” is the new version of “let’s meet for coffee.” You want your coffee to taste good - so there’s no reason to assume a Zoom call should be any different. In this guide, we’re going to show you how to set up Zoom on Mac as well as remove video call limitations for free. Plus, you will find out about a few Mac apps that make Zoom complete - with powerful features like note taking, audio recording, and more. March 2020: Zoom becomes the video conferencing app of choice around the world. In the light of Coronavirus outburst, many companies went on a lockdown, with video calls being the only means of connecting with the outside world. And that’s when Zoom started growing like crazy, reaching $29 billion valuation in a matter of days. So why Zoom? First of all, there had been some kind of unconditional love attached to it even before the quarantine began. zoom download

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Download Zoom Cloud Meetings for Windows | Looking for: Zoom cloud meetings download - Click here to DOWNLOAD If Skype is free, there is no limit on connection time, but I think that Zoom is more advantageous for the above reasons. For gamers, Discord has been a good choice, since it focuses on group chats, allowing players to stay engaged while playing their favorite titles. Is there a better alternative? Download ZOOM Cloud Meetings for Android - Free - The third reason why Zoom is highly regarded is that stable communication is possible. As such, the free version of the app becomes an excellent choice for individuals only interested in informal chats and video calls. Zoom Rooms Controller. Zoom cloud meetings download Everyone info. Stay connected wherever you go - start or join a secure meeting with flawless video and audio, instant screen sharing, and cross-platform instant messaging - for free!

NB: You cannot zoom out further than the original image size. Vertical Pan. Clicking the upwards-pointing arrow part of this button will pan up the image; clicking the downwards-pointing arrow will pan down the image. Horizontal Pan. Clicking the leftwards-pointing arrow part of this button will pan the image left; clicking the rightwards-pointing arrow will pan the image right. To return to the Java-based viewer, click the "Switch to Java Viewer" button. It is not possible to print images of the tablets directly from the Java-based viewer. However, it is possible to print from the Universal Viewer using the Ctrl-p keys (Command-p on a Mac). Another alternative is to print out screenshots from either viewer (see "Saving Tablet Images" below). It is not possible to save images directly from the Java-based viewer, however it is possible to do a screenshot (e.g. by using a dedicated screen capture program like SnagIt ®, or just pressing the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard, then pasting into a graphic manipulation program such as Photoshop ®). If saving and/or printing out the Vindolanda tablet images, please bear in mind that the Vindolanda tablet images are for personal and educational use only. Educational institutions may reproduce and distribute these materials for educational use provided credit and notification are given and the copyright notice is retained on any copies made. Commercial use of these materials is prohibited without prior written permission. For more information on this and also on how to obtain larger digital images of the tablets, please see the Copyright Information page.

Hydraulic Busbar Bending Machine,High Speed Bending Machine JPMX-303ESK

CNC Busbar Bending Machine is one of the processing equipment for metal sheet, strip, and pipe. It can bend the workpiece with high precision and efficiency. 8).Easy installation, maintenance, and repair make it easy for users to use the busbar bender. A hydraulic busbar punching machine is a tool that uses pressure to process conductive plates of various shapes. It has many functions, such as cutting and bending; the processing range is relatively wide, such as aluminum alloy strip, copper strip, iron strip, galvanized strip, and other metal material. The copper busbar punching machine can also be used in high-capacity power plants and industrial electrical appliances. It is mainly used for punching copper bars and aluminum bars in low-voltage switch boxes of power plants and substations or for punching copper bars in high-voltage busbars above 35KV. The processing equipment has advanced design, high processing performance, and high production efficiency. Busbar Packing Machine i s a kind of automatic packing machine, and it can wrap the copper bar and aluminum bar with stretch film.

It has three units:punching, cutting and bending. It is easy to operate and it can greatly improve the working efficiency. 1. Bending at vertical and horizontal direction. 2. Punching for round and oblong hole. 4. Special for embossing, knurling, twisting, cable joints pressing. Accessories of JPMX-303DM busbar machine. 8 sets of punching die. 1 piece punching location pin. 3. Three work positions can be used at the same time. This JPMX-303DM hydraulic busbar machine is widely used in Switch cabinet, electric control panel manufacturing , high low voltage switchgear, electric transformer station,Electric panel ,voltage transformer,appliance switch, ship manufacturing,electric elevator manufacturing,electric cabinet manufacturing , Power distribution system product manufacturing. 3. Three work positions can be used at the same time. Jingpeng CNC, founded in 2008, is one of the leading jpmx-303dm busbar machine manufacturers in China. In order to offer customers the latest high-tech machine, we have been constantly introducing advanced technology and equipment. Welcome to buy our quality machine at reasonable price.

1. This series busbar bending production line is mainly for bending copper or aluminum busbar with quick processing speed and high processing precision. 2. This series of busbar bending machine mainly consists of feeding unit, main control system, delivery unit, hydraulic power unit and electric control cabinet. 3. This series of busbar bending machine is highly automated processing equipment by servo control. 4. This series of busbar bending machine is widely applied on high - low voltage switch gear, electrical transformer, power station cabinet, as well as other sectors of the busbar bending processing. 1. The feeding station is composed of two synchronous linear guide-ways and one set of high precision rack and pinion. The servo m otor directly drive the rack and pinion moving along the guide-way. 2. The bending host is controlled by Mitsubishi PLC with high bending precision. 3. We adopt imported touch screen to control the electrical unit. The operation is very easy to learn and understand. The main electrical component are from famous world class brand, which will largely reduce the failure possibility during the machine operation.

NSB also has a wide range of busbar bending machine models, ensuring that customers can find the perfect tool for their specific needs. The NSBCO company specializes in manufacturing busbar bending machines, which are used in the production of electrical equipment. Each machine is specifically designed to bend a specific type of bus bar, which ensures accuracy and precise bending. Additionally, NSBCO offers a range of core advantages that set it apart from its competitors, such as high-quality products, strong customer service, and a large inventory. FPX is an innovative c ompany manufacturing busbar bending machines that offer a number of core advantages. One such advantage is the design of the machine itself, which allows for more efficient and accurate bending of busbars. Another advantage is the company's focus on quality assurance and customer satisfaction, which leads to a high level of reliability. The final advantage speaks to FPX's strong technical team, which is able to provide customers with support and advice when needed.

busbar bending machine In order to meet various demands of our esteemed clients, we are engaged in providing an optimum quality array of Busbar Bending Machine. We Offer Busbar Processing machine widely used in Electrical Panel Manufacturing Industries. MX- series offers complete automation in busbar punching and cutting line with simple programming. DWGMX- series offers busbar Punching, cutting and CNC bending combination in one machine. The JM.40Z serie s of CNC busbar bending machine is one kind of copper aluminum busbar bending machine with the feature of high efficiency, high automation, high precision, saving time and saving labor. This kind of machine using oil pressure as the active force, CNC as control unit, matching our independent researched and developed CAD/CAM system. Can add electric die to improve the bending accuracy and lighten the bending trace. The gauge adopts MD modular design, can choose the length of the gauge according to demand. HMI, Operating easily, real-time present operating state of the program. Can connect with CNC busbar punching cutting machine by CNC programming software, machine and software not influence each other, easy to maintain. The equipment has a unique processing principle and processing method, for long busbar can be realized that clamped once, without manual intervention in the process, automatic repeat switching clamp, can complete punching and shearing for the work piece. 1cutting of straight column type mould base. Cutting dies is a single pole type hedge Scissor no waste after shearing. Man-machine interface, easy to operate With Noel Machinery processing assistant design system Real-time showing operating state of the program.